• UFO Pictures - *If aliens have visited Earth that it only makes sense that they had to use a space craft - what we as humans call an UFO - in order to make their journey ...
    13 years ago

Saturday, February 12, 2011


cropcircleinslemanjogja Crop CircLe UFO Landing on Sleman Yogyakarta IndonesiaCrop Circle phenomenon appears in rice fields in the hamlet of Krasakan, Jogotirto Village, District Berbah,  Sleman, Yogyakarta allegedlyformed on Saturday, January 22, 2011 night. Ngadiran (60 years), one of theowners of the fields, said she initially thought the rice collapsed because of the largeanimal passed down from Merapi. However, after seeing a portrait of a child who isphotographed from a height, shows that rice was collapsed to form fractal-like the mysterious details.
Yogyakarta Artists usually create art installations and land art is Tomon Ismanto. However Ismanto also claim to not create works of art such as crop circles as reported in several media. “Well, I think I accused ya, but I did not make it,” said Ismanto, sculpture installation artist, one of his studio, hit by cold lava of Merapi in Dukun, Magelang.


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