• UFO Pictures - *If aliens have visited Earth that it only makes sense that they had to use a space craft - what we as humans call an UFO - in order to make their journey ...
    13 years ago

Saturday, February 12, 2011



cropcircleinslemanjogja Crop CircLe UFO Landing on Sleman Yogyakarta IndonesiaCrop Circle phenomenon appears in rice fields in the hamlet of Krasakan, Jogotirto Village, District Berbah,  Sleman, Yogyakarta allegedlyformed on Saturday, January 22, 2011 night. Ngadiran (60 years), one of theowners of the fields, said she initially thought the rice collapsed because of the largeanimal passed down from Merapi. However, after seeing a portrait of a child who isphotographed from a height, shows that rice was collapsed to form fractal-like the mysterious details.
Yogyakarta Artists usually create art installations and land art is Tomon Ismanto. However Ismanto also claim to not create works of art such as crop circles as reported in several media. “Well, I think I accused ya, but I did not make it,” said Ismanto, sculpture installation artist, one of his studio, hit by cold lava of Merapi in Dukun, Magelang.


Residents in Yogyakarta were stunned to find a second crop circle on Tuesday, this time in a rice field in Bantul district, about five kilometers away from a similar pattern reported a day earlier.
cropcirclebantul2011 The second Crop Circle in IndonesiaCrop circle is almost the same shape in the form of a circle, but with a smaller size, 30-40 feet, not like in Berbah which about 60 meters.
People see a strange pattern that emerged in the area of rice fields in the hamlet Wonojoyo Kidul, Desa Srimartani, Piyungan District, Bantul regency, Yogyakarta, on Tuesday.
Residents reported finding approximately at 1 pm even though the land owners actually already know the peculiarity of it since 10 days ago.”At that time I checked. I think I just collapsed rice straw as usual, so I do not really notice it” land owner said.
But there is still some confusion about what formed the crop circle, which has begun to draw in crowds of curious onlookers.
Hakim Lutfi, a scientist from Bandung’s Bosscha Observatory, said it was too early to conclude whether the crop circles were man-made or created by extraterrestrials.
“As a scientist, I do not deny the possibility of the existence of aliens, although they have not been scientifically confirmed,” Hakim said on Tuesday.
Crop circle phenomenon that occurs in Sleman, Yogyakarta, sparked much speculation about its origins. One of the strongest is speculation that the phenomenon is caused by UFOs
In response, flight observer Dudi Sudibyo said, “Looking at the crop circles that this happened, I was reminded why my experience was in 2009 when he saw a UFO in Bantul.”
At that time, Dudi middle plane Lion Air Boeing 737-900ER flight number JT552. He saw a similar light cloud 9 points in the plane. Solid shape as much as 3 points and 6 other point is the cloud.
Dudi when it was perpetuated by 40DX camera lens Nikkon 55 mm. Once analyzed, it is known that the object was a UFO. He denied the notion that the photo was just a shadow because the plane window clear.
After sending the photo images to specialists Institute of Aeronautics and Space Agency (Lapan) Adi Sadewo Salatun, Dudi know that UFOs are going through morphing. His form changes from solid to gas and eventually disappear.
cropcirclebantul2011clo The second Crop Circle in IndonesiaRemembering the experience and saw the news about the crop circle phenomenon in Sleman, Dudi said, “I wonder, whether the crop circle phenomenon that occurs in Sleman Bantul related to the UFO in that I see?”
“Maybe it had something to do. It’s all happening right in Yogyakarta, one in Bantul, one in Sleman. We have to investigate it. So do not be too quick to conclude that it was manmade,” said Dudi.
Furthermore Dudi said, “Maybe there is something interesting in Yogya so that UFOs come. The problem is, this happens in one area. And also in a narrow field. This is quite unusual because normally in a field of wheat,” he said.
Dudi not agree if the crop circle is easily said to be manmade. If man-made, according to him, there must be a sign that is easily seen as traces and witnesses who heard the manufacturing process.
Dudi believe that UFOs in Bantul and Sleman crop circle in inter-related. He asked for some authorities, such as the Air Force and Lapan to investigate the phenomenon


Other explanations


Some people have suggested that crop circles are the result of extraordinary meteorological phenomena. This hypothesis probably originated from a 1880 publication in Nature by investigator and amateur scientist John Rand Capron. Part of the publication reappeared in the January 2000 issue of Journal of Meteorology:
"The storms about this part of Western Surrey have been lately local and violent, and the effects produced in some instances curious. Visiting a neighbour's farm on Wednesday evening (21st), we found a field of standing wheat considerably knocked about, not as an entirety, but in patches forming, as viewed from a distance, circular spots... I could not trace locally any circumstances accounting for the peculiar forms of the patches in the field, nor indicating whether it was wind or rain, or both combined, which had caused them, beyond the general evidence everywhere of heavy rainfall. They were suggestive to me of some cyclonic wind action..."


Since appearing in the media in the 1970s, crop circles have become the subject of speculation by various paranormal, ufological, and anomalistic investigators ranging from proposals that they were created by bizarre meteorological phenomena to messages from extraterrestrial beings.
The location of many crop circles near ancient sites such as Stonehenge, barrows, and chalk horses has led many New Age belief systems to incorporate crop circles, speculating their existence in relation to ley lines.
Some New Age supporters have related crop circles to the Gaia hypothesis, alleging that "Gaia", the earth, is actually alive and that crop circles are messages or responses to stimuli such as global warming and human pollution. It asserts that the earth may be modeled as if a single super-organism, in that earthly components (e.g. biota, climate, temperature, sunlight, etc.) influence each other and are organized to function and develop as a whole.
The main criticism of alleged non-human creation of crop circles is that while evidence of these origins, besides eyewitness testimonies, is essentially absent, some are definitely known to be the work of human pranksters and others can be adequately explained as such. There have been cases in which researchers declared crop circles to be "the real thing", only to be confronted with the people who created the circle and documented the fraud (see above). In his 1997 book The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark, Carl Sagan discussed alien-based theories of crop circle formation. Sagan concluded that no empirical evidence existed to link UFOs with crop circles. Many others have demonstrated how complex crop circles can be created. Scientific American published an article by Matt Ridley, who started making crop circles in northern England in 1991. He wrote about how easy it is to develop techniques using simple tools that can easily fool later observers. He reported on "expert" sources such as the Wall Street Journal who had been easily fooled and mused about why people want to believe supernatural explanations for phenomena that are not yet explained. Methods to create a crop circle are now well documented on the internet.
Responding to local beliefs that "extraterrestrial beings" in UFOs were responsible for crop circles appearing in Indonesia, the government and the National Aeronautics and Space Agency (Lapan) described them as "man-made". Thomas Djamaluddin, research professor of astronomy and astrophysics at Lapan stated: "We have come to agree that this 'thing' cannot be scientifically proven. Scientists have put UFOs in the category of pseudoscience."

 Animal activity

In 2009, BBC News reported that Lara Giddings, the attorney general for the island state of Tasmania, stated that Australian wallabies had been found creating crop circles in fields of poppies after consuming some of the opiate-laden crop and running in circles.


1678 pamphlet on the "Mowing-Devil".
Certain evidence, such as the Mowing-Devil, suggest the appearance of crop circles well before the 20th century. Nevertheless, there are important differences between that story and modern crop circles. The story of the mowing devil involves the cutting of the crops following a dispute over crop harvesting and an invocation of the devil, no geometric patterns were reported.

 Bower and Chorley

In 1991, self-professed pranksters Doug Bower and Dave Chorley stated that they had started the phenomenon in 1978 by making actual circles on crops with the use of simple tools. After their announcement, in a demonstration the two men made a crop circle in one hour.
After the revelation of the hoax, crop circle-like patterns continued to be made and became more complex. Some even came to resemble extraterrestrials as portrayed by certain science fiction movies, fractals, and archaeological, religious, or mythological symbols. Among others, paranormal enthusiasts, ufologists, and anomalistic investigators have offered hypothetical explanations that have been criticized as pseudoscientific by skeptical groups like the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry.

 Art and business

Since the early 1990s the UK arts collective founded by artist John Lundberg, named the Circlemakers, have been creating some crop circles in the UK and around the world both as part of their art practice and for commercial clients.
On the night of July 11–12, 1992, a crop-circle making competition, for a prize of several thousand UK pounds (partly funded by the Arthur Koestler Foundation), was held in Berkshire. The winning entry was produced by three Westland Helicopters engineers, using rope, PVC pipe, a trestle and a ladder. Another competitor used a small garden roller, a plank and some rope.
In 2002, Discovery Channel commissioned five aeronautics and astronautics graduate students from MIT to create crop circles of their own, aiming to duplicate some of the features claimed to distinguish "real" crop circles from the known fakes such as those created by Bower and Chorley. The creation of the circle was recorded and used in the Discovery Channel documentary Crop Circles: Mysteries in the Fields.

 Legal implications

In 1992 Hungarian youths Gábor Takács and Róbert Dallos, both then 17, were the first people to face legal action after creating a crop circle. Takács and Dallos, of the St. Stephen Agricultural Technicum, a high school in Hungary specializing in agriculture, created a 36-meter diameter crop circle in a wheat field near Székesfehérvár, 43 miles (69 km) southwest of Budapest, on June 8, 1992. On September 3, the pair appeared on Hungarian TV and exposed the circle as a hoax, showing photos of the field before and after the circle was made. As a result, Aranykalász Co., the owners of the land, sued the youngsters for 630,000 HUF (approximately $3000 USD) in damages. The presiding judge ruled that the students were only responsible for the damage caused in the 36-meter diameter circle, amounting to about 6,000 HUF (approximately $30 USD), and that 99% of the damage to the crops was caused by the thousands of visitors who flocked to Székesfehérvár following the media's promotion of the circle. The fine was eventually paid by the TV show, as were the students' legal fees.
In 2000, Matthew Williams became the first man in the UK to be arrested for causing criminal damage after making a crop circle near Devizes.

Crop circle

A 780 ft crop circle in the form of a double (six-sided) triskelion composed of 409 circles. John Lundberg has claimed responsibility for its production. Location: Milk Hill (England), 2001
A crop circle is a sizable pattern created by the flattening of a crop such as wheat, barley, rye, maize, or rapeseed. Crop circles are also referred to as crop formations, because they are not always circular in shape. While the exact date crop circles began to appear is unknown, the documented cases have substantially increased from the 1970s to current times. Twenty-six countries ended up reporting approximately ten-thousand crop circles, in the last third of the 20th century, and 90% of those were located in southern England. Many of the formations appearing in that area are positioned near ancient monuments, such as Stonehenge. Nearly half of all circles found in the UK are located within a 15 km radius of Avebury. Formations usually are made overnight, but have also been made during the day. The most widely known method for a person or group to construct a crop formation is to tie one end of a rope to an anchor point, and the other end to a board which is used to crush the plants. More recent methods include the use of a lawn roller.
Some crop formations are paid for by companies who use them as advertising. Other formations are sometimes claimed by individuals or groups without any evidence to support their assertion, usually after undesirable legal repercussions become unlikely.

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